The iranajianf’s Podcast

Your natural strengths are right here, where you awaken your passion and ignite your soul fire. Come here to remember who you are and reveal your essence, for the love of truth & light.

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Monday May 27, 2024

Monday May 27, 2024

Do you remember when waking up in the morning filled you with excitement and a sense of lightness? When your creative ideas flowed effortlessly and your life felt like it was in a state of flow?
You exuded magnetism and vibrancy, drawing others towards you with your expansive energy. People couldn't help but turn to look at you when you entered a room.
Can you find joy in life these days?


Monday May 13, 2024

Monday May 13, 2024

Do you want to know my secret to live with ease? Even when things get tough, I mean (especially then!) 
If you feel like hitting a button to shift the energy and reset your life, this is the only thing you need to know and do.

Easy Does It

Tuesday May 07, 2024

Tuesday May 07, 2024

Imagine this:Dreaming your ideal life. Feeling every moment as if it were real. accessing that feeling in your current reality. Projecting it, embodying it and taking aligned action, making aligned choices and expecting that feeling, embracing it when it arrives. This is the essence of manifesting and creating your reality. The power to change is within you. Take control and shape your world.


Saturday Apr 27, 2024

Saturday Apr 27, 2024

We are literally like the earth itself. We have seasons.
Enough with the catastrophic myths surrounding Perimenopause and Menopause! These are a natural transition into a new season of your life. Let's talk about how to embrace these changes as part of our journey towards the next chapter.
Our bodies are continually renewing fertile ground. If we become aware of its cycles, we can embody the flow of life and feel Sublime.

On Waiting

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

When is it time to wait and when is it time to take action?
We do not have time to waste on our well-being, nourishing our children with love, showing up for those we love, dreaming...but as long as we know when it's time to wait.
Like everything there are both sides of the coin, there is duality. The wise version of waiting is knowing when and how to wait. 

Friday Apr 12, 2024

Choosing the path of ‘Living easy' can be incredibly beneficial for you. Opting for ease can guide you to open, expansive spaces. It's an elegant, effective, and graceful decision - a wonderful way to show yourself kindness and allow your creativity to unfold as you release any self-imposed barriers.
 By choosing the easy route, you're allowing inspiration to guide you and inviting positive changes into your life.

On Passion & Desire

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

How long has it been since you felt your heart beating so strongly for a desire, that it looked like it would jump out of your chest?

Quench Your Thirst for Life

Saturday Mar 30, 2024

Saturday Mar 30, 2024

Welcome to the Sublime Femme podcast where we delve into the wellness side of enlightening your life & igniting your soul fire to blaze with passion. Sharing Stories, strategies & inspiration for you to live in divine wellness. 
In this episode, I talk about how often we choose wrongly out of being ‘thirsty’: Quench Your Thirst for Life.

Podcast Trailer

Friday Mar 29, 2024

Friday Mar 29, 2024

Welcome to the Sublime Femme podcast where we delve into the wellness side of lightening your life & igniting your soul fire to blaze with passion. Sharing Stories, strategies & inspiration to live in divine wellness.I’, Irana JianIf you want to live a healthier, happier life this podcast is for you. Be sure to subscribe to the show to get notified each time we release a new episode.


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